Saturday, October 30, 2010

2010 Oct 29 - Good Friends

2010 Oct 29 - Good Friends Chinese Buffet
Valley Springs, CA

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Today mom and I were suppose to have breakfast at Leno's Birdcage Cafe, but there was a sign on their door saying they were closed for today to attend a funeral.

So we decided to drive about an hour to Valley Springs to have an early lunch at Good Friends Chinese Buffet. They open at 11:00 AM and we are leaving Stockton just before 10:00 AM.

The quickest route is to take Hwy 26 through Linden, but that would get us to the restaurant about 15 minutes before they open. So we head north to Lodi and will take Hwy 12 which will take 10 minutes longer. Well with a bit of a slow down on Hwy 12 for road construction we actually arrive at Good Friends right at 11:00 AM.
Good Friends is located on the northeast corner of the intersection where Hwy 26 joins Hwy 12

This photo is from Hwy 26 looking north. At the intersection Hwy 26 turns right and Hwy 26 and Hwy 12 become the same road for a few miles. Hwy 12 is to both the right and left at the intersection.

This is a busy intersection for the foothills. Although there are really no traffic jams in this sparsely populated region

The buffet prices

We come to this place every couple of months so mom has learned her way around the buffet.
Mom getting her sushi first

Some wasabi and soy sauce

Have to have some chop sticks

Mom still puts too much on her plate, though

I just get a few items since I know that I will get another plate or two. :-)

My second plate

We are taking Hwy 26 back to Stockton since we have to deliver some items to a friends home in South Stockton.
We are headed to Linden

~end for now

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2010 Oct 22 - Gina's Cafe

2010 Oct 22 - Gina'sCafe/Michael's Pizza
Stockton, CA - Breakfast

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Today I am taking mom to my almost daily breakfast stop. I ride my bicycle the almost four miles; have breakfast; relax and then ride a four, five or six mile bicycle ride home.

As we enter Joe, a friend of ours since 1948 comes over to greet mom. They used to see each other often and go to lunch together but it has been about a year now.
Mom and Joe

Joe changes tables to visit with mom

Mom, Rod and Joe. Rod, Joe and I had gone to the Wool Growers in Los Banos for lunch not long ago.

Mom has her one pancake, one egg and two pieces of bacon.
Mom likes a lot of butter

My half order of Veggie Scramble

~end for now